Esrium´s 5th Consortium Meeting hosted by the project coordinator Joanneum Research on the 28th and 29th took place at their headquarters in Graz, Austria.
On this occasion, the nine partners of the consortium gathered face-to-face for the first time since the beginning of the project for an in-depth overview of the tasks pointing out what took place, and what is to come. Strong emphasis was put on the observation of new technologies which can be used in order to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of the EGNSS-based data platform, one of the key innovations in the project. As the ambitious goal of ESRIUM is to create a novel business case with validated economic and societal impact partners reviewed the business research activities planned to refine the overall business case, as well as innovation management activities, testing activities and dissemination activities. Such also opened the opportunity for discussions around the technical research activities that had taken place as well as those that are yet to be conducted in order to tackle technical challenges.
Project Management is running smoothly and the communication and interaction between partners are exemplary. It is really a pleasure to coordinate this project. Also, the new Project Officer classifies ESRIUM as a “healthy project”.
Martina Uray,
Joanneum Research

The welcome was given by project coordinators Joanneum Research Matthias Rüther giving an overview of the project time plan and progress. Together with FH OO FORSCHUNGS & ENTWICKLUNGS GMBH (FHO), Joannuem Research holds a track record on GNSS research, where FGI focuses on real-time positioning of the end-user vehicle and JRD on precision localization of the sensor vehicle.
A geo database capable of combining an ultra-high-definition (UHD) map with a road wear feature (RWF) layer has been developed which subscribes to weather observation and traffic counting services. It serves as both the common data storage point for integrating road wear predictions and providing road condition data towards the data service platform
Stefan Ladstätter,
Joanneum Research
After all the excellent technical work done in ESRIUM so far, we are looking forward to assessing the user acceptance of truck drivers when it comes to lane change recommendations.
Wolfgang Schildorfer,
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH (VIF) focusing on the research in the development and evaluation of automated driving functions and systems, discussed Proof of Concept and In-Vehicle Validation within the Esrium project:
It is up and running fast; we’re at a stage where we can start the on-road testing and demonstration of the ESRIUM routing recommendations very soon
Selim Solmaz,
Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH
A review also took place in the area of map data management, predictive data and innovation which is led by the three industrial partners involved in the Esrium consortium NNG, Evolit Consulting GmbH and ENIDE Solutions, the end-users with strong technological and process-engineering background.
As the wrap-up, the Esrium partners participated in a workshop led by Dr Loha Hashimy, Innovation Manager at Enide, one of the partners forming the Esrium consortium. During the workshop, the partners had the opportunity to learn from each other and draw conclusions on important areas that the project covers.

Great workshop! Unfortunately, the advantage of such face-to-face meetings is underestimated nowadays. Indeed meeting in person has its positive outcomes such as the possibility to discuss future ideas for the following steps and initiate cooperative, market-oriented projects.
Rainer Schruth,
Virtual Vehicle Research Center.
Esrium next steps
From now until May the team will focus on integrating the road wear map and road damage prediction data with the data platform. Further work is also planned in the area of the user vehicle EGNSS localization unit as well as getting the automated demonstrator vehicle ready so that the test can run smoothly by August next year. The data analysis and user acceptance evaluations will be prepared later in the year. Enide, the dissemination and exploitation leaders in the ESRIUM project will push for further promotional activities aligned with the plan of commercializing the project outcome.
Looking forward to being the first in Europe to test the RTK corrections via CIT-S! Indeed, we are curious to see the pros and cons of such solutions. These tests will take place at Alp.lab test field for automated driving.
Roman Lesjak
Joanneurm Research
ASFINAG saw promising development presented in the ESRIUM workshop in Graz, November 28-29. We are eagerly anticipating test drives early next year which will demonstrate the location accuracy gains with Austria’s own EPOSA system as well as the feasibility of alerting ADAS systems in vehicles to road damage ahead with Austria’s C-ITS system.
Allmer Gottfried,

The Esrium team has also reviewed the KPIs that are expected to be reached by the end of the year and a stronger emphasis will be placed on reaching the expected number of publications, as well as increasing the number of liaison activities and participation in events. Dissemination also includes participation in the Esrium LinkedIn group here where the team will post updates related to the project.